the official decision is made: I am Staying in Sydney, studying at UNSW :)
haha..some ppls will be happy :P and im glad that you guys are here too.. it makes staying easier..seems like God's leading that way, and His spirit is moving me that way.. but you know what? knowing the right thing to do doesn't make doing it any easier...i did struggle with the decision i've made... i know i've changed my mind just about a million times :) the story goes this way - i have applied to 4 diff uni's, and in the 2nd week of jan, i found out that ALL four of them accepted me... and after prayer and talking with parents and friends, i decided that UNSW is the best choice..and i did feel God's spirit prompt me to stay in Sydney for various reasons :)
then Melbourne came along...and seeing that my parents were not gonna come that often, and my sister's in melb, it seemed right to move to we did! and the offer letter from melbuni came, and sam got accepted into his high school (which was why we left malaysia so quickly and suddenly)...but eventually, there came to a point, where we could NOT find a house...and that's saying something - because looking for a house had never been a problem in the past, even under impossible circumstances.. that called for a review of the matter :)
which led to the final conclusion of i'm gonna stay in sydney and study in unsw.. :) reasons being God's leading, and God spoke clearly again to my spirit - Stay In Sydney.. if He speaks the second time i better not ignore Him! haha..i really wanted to go melbourne, so i conveniently ignored His leading... :P i guess that wasn't very smart huh :) so all in all i'm really grateful for all that's been said and done... and that taught me really to trust more in God...
and it's over now...
ohya....sorry bri - didn't mean to desert u.. :( well, on a happier note, to the guys and girl in melb - cheers* it's gonna be fun :) i believe God has so much in store for u guys... :) as for's gonna be a whole new adventure..
here's a toast to more amazing stuff this year :)
when this year's christmas comes around again..and we gather again..let there it be testified as to how amazing His everlasting faithfulness (even in foreign circumstances) and we'll all give thanks to the One who never left nor forsake us!! be blessed y'all... :) *hugs n kisses*