Thursday, January 18, 2007


omigosh...jus been reading everyone's emo!! (ben-hang on there-u'll be home soon..!! :) its truly my last night in malaysia for a long time..and feelings i was reading everyone's blog (in mjyf)...and im just sitting here...really feel like crying now...seriously - so truly truly looking forward to life in melbourne... (hav i mentioned.. i got accepted into melb uni~) but...but....yeah...malaysia is jus........*speechless* !! the feeling is diff...everytime i leave for aust again it just feels like im ripping a piece of my heart and leaving it in malaysia....ahhh.... i'll miss this place...alot...!! saying goodbye is not there's not enough time to see everyone....

and i was just looking through old stuff like letters, cards, invitations, prayer requests, and old journals...that was just major nostalgia man!! like the beginnings of mjyf-where it was just 5 of us...eden,vernmay,james,isaac and me....and...and....ahh............................... :P haha...the times where i left my then trademark "smiley face" everywhere...grin* and saw the letters from people i haven't thought about in a long time!! people i was close to last time..and we've grown apart...never thought i'd feel so much regret....wished we were closer.........

okok...enough of this emo-ness....... i havent actually finished packing yet...and i'm leaving the house in 6 hrs time...ah well :) better go and finish packing...

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