Friday, April 13, 2007

condensations of rainclouds

research is reading a 10 books & 20 articles and condensing it into two thousand words.

ugh as u can tell i've been doing that all easter =(
uhhh.cabin fever.who says it's gonna let up anytime soon?
plus im stuck for the weekend too.
garage door is SHUT.
closed tight SHUT for repairs since 6am this morning.
cant get no car out.
uh.what can i say?
-rainclouds.... =(

in a way it is like rainclouds.they are bound to happen sooner or later.vapour condenses.bad stuff tend to do the same least we know the sun remains unchanging.

rainclouds = raindrops
no raindrops, no rainbows.
interesting thought there.

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