well how has people been? a lot has happened in the past 3 weeks...nonewithstanding the one being my best friend Phoebe Khoo officially landing in Melbourne, Australia with ideas of staying here "long term"!! it was so odd just getting a sms from her, saying "Oi... Phoebe Here :)" with an aussie number...seriously - with our history of moving from one place to another (literally) and changing a million mobile numbers...this just felt so different!! I can't believe u're here NOW!! =) welcome "Home" hunny!! pray that u'll settle down soon...i believe this new season's gonna be bigger and better than anything u've seen before!!
also Shuvah's confirmation was last Sunday!! Congrats girl!! the service was incredibly long :P lots of presents :P photos..etc...and the dinner (thanks for having me for Dinner! it was the Best!!) after it was superb...wait til i get the pictures - the FOOD..haha..i dont remember liking seafood all that much - but this "seafood platter for 2" - omg its just the BOMB!! (so is the price..thanks uncle:P ) hahaha..it was two layers of a large-pizza-sized-plate worth of seafood..crabs,fresh prawns,prawns with cheese belmain bug(!!),calamari rings,chips,rice,fresh oysters,oysters with bacon......hahaha.......if any of u come up here..i mite consider bringing u there... =P
and REACH - where we go out into the community and do a somewhat "makeover" for it...we went to Telopea...most of the youth from asian went =) so that was GOOD - except for the fact we got lost on the way hehehe...had issues along the way ...took a half hour detour to auburn..to parramatta..before getting to telopea *sheepish* but we made it :P albeit a trifle late :D hehehe... got there and and cleaned out the graffitti...and some of the girls (and Terence) cleaned the green mouldy(gross) bits :P haha...good job everyone - it was good to just bless the community! and we had orange caps this year...and gea got yellow hands (like grangrene-ish :P ) can't really see it in this picture..but u get the point =) thats me, diana, gea after cleaning up..and the other's terence cleaning off sum crusty mould...it was quite disgusting :P hahaha...

after that...went to Asian Service - had outreach with a Royal Kingdom theme =) dressed up nice and pretty... and we setup with a "throne" in the middle.. (which meant the musicians getting squished in one side :P ) and there's the "throne" in the middle :P didn't get pics of us
humans tho hehe..but there u go...good job devi! and had a banquet style dinner - it REALLY reminded me of a medieval style dinner, a la harry potter at school!! where it's a loooooong table with ppl sitting side by side - and there's lots food just across the table!! =) and some dressed up as waiters (complete with a bowtie! or "barfly" as some know it as =.=) haha...and served everyone with drinks etc =) make us feel so special...mmmm...

and..what else? hmm..there was one week of being cooped up and writing a politics essay!! =) OH.. and i did "have a go" - which is one of the youth is given a chance to speak for 3 mins... and seriously that was so crazy!! i was Sooo unprepared...well - but by God's grace I spoke - and truly it wasn't me - but God speaking - cos I readily admit that stage fright is part of my inbuilt thing :P and when there's no stage fright = God taking over =) PLUS...the bonus was that i finished exactly on time! exactly on the dot...hahaha - that has never happened before =P good to set a precedent :P muahhahahaha...
OH....one more thing that NEEDS to be mentioned =) NINJA TURTLES!!!!!!! muahahaha if you have watched sat morning cartoons...and loved it.... u'll love this: http://www.tv.com/teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-1987/show/2752/video_player.html?uvid=IiM6wTut5bwKvTY wahahaha...i loved this video!! jus kept playing it over and over and over again...and discovered old episodes of ninja turtles from the 1990's on youtube and dailymotion =) (thanks caleb!) haha...that was so awesome..seriously it made my day when i found those episodes.. =) hahahha..aiight...i think that's it for now =P need to get back to work (as usual =.=) ahhh...good times good times!!
oh before i finish..gotta give tribute to God - as always He Never Never Fails!! don't know what to do without Him!! thank You for making everyday so special....
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