Tuesday, April 03, 2007

political philosophy re-examined

I was jus minding my own business when I came upon this witty description of Political Philosophy...I especially love the bureaucratism and anarchism one =) this is awesomely Hilarious!!! distilling these ideas down to the simplest manner! wahahaha...

Socialism: You have two cows; you give one to your neighbour
Communism: You have two cows; the government takes both and gives you the milk
Fascism: You have two cows; the government takes both and sells you the milk
Nazism: You have two cows; the government takes both and shoots you
Bureaucratism: You have two cows; the government takes both, shoots one, milks the other and throws the milk away.
Capitalism: You have two cows; you sell one and buy a bull. Produce more cows and more milk and sell the milk at high prices to buy larger paddocks to produce more cows and more milk.
Anarchism: Keep the cows. Steal another one. Shoot the government.

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