God Above All the World in Motion
God Above All My Hopes and Fears
I Don't Care What the World Throws At Me Now
It's Gonna Be Alright!
Welcome to the United States of America.
This is a new season.
He has been amazing in His Faithfulness.
I have a lovely room-mate. Belle.
Reasonably good room.
Awesome Professors.
Scholarship opportunities.
How blessed. =)
Renewed Faith and Vigor.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
u've been tagged
as again, its been a while since ive blogged, more specifically since then holidays started! weee!! =) time flies when ure having fun..hehe..its been so good to not sit at home and stare at assignments and books and the computer screen =)
and since i have sum spare time here..and just happened to get tagged by phoebe, so here goes!
1) 5 things found in my bag
- purse
- diary
- train timetable
- bible
- pouch containing lip gloss/balm/ipod/etc
2) 5 things found in my wallet
- bankcard
- credit card
- memorable messages from frens
- old pictures!
- receipts
*haha..note that money wasn't one of em~*
3) 5 favorite things in my bed room
- the BED and the comforter..soft..and huggables
- starsplash
- bible
- graduation doggie
- them clothes =)
4) 5 things i've always wanted to...
- travel the world
- spread the word of God
- cook good food
- play multiple instruments
- write a book
5) 5 things im currently into...
- my nice warm ugg boots (gotta agree phoebe!)
- spending lots of $
- eating chinese food
- sleeeeep.....
6) 5 people i tagged
- i shall be nice n not tag ppls =p
and since i have sum spare time here..and just happened to get tagged by phoebe, so here goes!
1) 5 things found in my bag
- purse
- diary
- train timetable
- bible
- pouch containing lip gloss/balm/ipod/etc
2) 5 things found in my wallet
- bankcard
- credit card
- memorable messages from frens
- old pictures!
- receipts
*haha..note that money wasn't one of em~*
3) 5 favorite things in my bed room
- the BED and the comforter..soft..and huggables
- starsplash
- bible
- graduation doggie
- them clothes =)
4) 5 things i've always wanted to...
- travel the world
- spread the word of God
- cook good food
- play multiple instruments
- write a book
5) 5 things im currently into...
- my nice warm ugg boots (gotta agree phoebe!)
- spending lots of $
- eating chinese food
- sleeeeep.....
6) 5 people i tagged
- i shall be nice n not tag ppls =p
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
unRepentant Procrastinator
omg...i'm going to pull my hair out...not stress...just frustrated!! and yes...sick of assignments...i guess that defines uni life doesnt it?!have just spent a whole weekend and 2 more days on a politics essay...i have 2 bloody essays due tomorrow...well technically one essay and another is an exam, but it's an essay as well which i have not studied for... and its nearly midnight now...and i'm still stuck on the essay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wish...i wish...i wishh..........i don't even dare to wish...i just have to finish this...and still have time left over to study for the exam... =( and yes...i have another one due in 2 days time.................... *sigh*
Friday, June 01, 2007
a world in need of saving
the world is never as simple as we want to think it is. it is horrible messy. even bloody at times. what is good and what is bad never seems to be what it is. remember the proverb, "one man's meat is another man's poison"? here's a modern twist to it, "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter". a man i met, upon the knowledge i was taking 'politics' as a subject, commented that "you're brave". i have had numerous comments of that sort. in retrospect, it's rather telling of politics and the citizenry. we as citizens don't particularly want to know what is our government capable of, much less the American citizenry. we criticise Bush for his actions. so what? our governments are equally capable of doing what he does. those who speak the loudest, would probably have done what Bush is doing, perhaps worse! we criticise so much without an understanding of the reality behind it, much less a solution! it just struck me again and again, without forgiveness there is no end to this revenge-cycle. go to CNN and simply click on any of a news report of any conflict - i would be bold to say that the conflict is a result of a revenge-cycle. what chalmers johnson terms "blowback" - basically the unintended consequences of government policies that were kept secret from the people - is but a revenge-cycle. 9/11 was a revenge attack. iraq is a revenge attack. afghanistan (in whichever year) was revenge attack. israeli-palestinian conflict - need i say more? of course there was the original unprovoked attack. that itself is probably a result of a deeper reason. i hate to give examples for i don't want to condemn. but its heart-wrenching. it is. a lecturer once said, its necessary to keep a distance when studying facism for it messes with our minds. i reckon its the same with politics. its so disheartening to see the bloody mess this world is (literally). its one bloody mess. a far cry from the garden of Eden isnt it. what happened to forgiveness? what happened to love? what happened to the church? weren't we called to be His hands and His feet? we can't do everything, but we must do something!
Saturday, May 26, 2007
f r e e d o m
in Your freedom I will live
I offer devotion
what else can I offer when You have offered freedom?
You have set me free from what bound me
accused me and laid a burden in my soul
in the law of the Spirit of Life I found freedom
no longer will I live under threat or under fear
the devotion of this heart belongs to You
only You
I offer devotion
what else can I offer when You have offered freedom?
You have set me free from what bound me
accused me and laid a burden in my soul
in the law of the Spirit of Life I found freedom
no longer will I live under threat or under fear
the devotion of this heart belongs to You
only You
Saturday, May 19, 2007
happy anni =)
second post....
haha - after talking to Adrian...and reading Phoebe's blog...
hmmm... life's interesting!!
as i was talking about heroes before...
it's the little things that make life so awesomely wonderful!!
what's the point of saving the world when your own world crumbles down?
is it worth the cost?
how amazing is love centered on Christ... where we follow the example set down for us - that one man lay down His life for another...sacrificial love...love that covers all...
how terrible is the burden of unforgiveness?
i thank God for adr+phoebe - HAPPY [belated] 2ND YEAR ANNI =)
haha...u've mushy nuff in ur blog pheebs =D i'll leave that to u...
but seirously tho its the start of long-distance...He will pull u guys thru =)
rainbows guys =) rainbows...
- love u's -
haha - after talking to Adrian...and reading Phoebe's blog...
hmmm... life's interesting!!
as i was talking about heroes before...
it's the little things that make life so awesomely wonderful!!
what's the point of saving the world when your own world crumbles down?
is it worth the cost?
how amazing is love centered on Christ... where we follow the example set down for us - that one man lay down His life for another...sacrificial love...love that covers all...
how terrible is the burden of unforgiveness?
i thank God for adr+phoebe - HAPPY [belated] 2ND YEAR ANNI =)
haha...u've mushy nuff in ur blog pheebs =D i'll leave that to u...
but seirously tho its the start of long-distance...He will pull u guys thru =)
rainbows guys =) rainbows...
- love u's -
Friday, May 18, 2007
i just downed a huge dose of HEROES =) finally catching up from episode 14-20 in one go...having some time in between assignments!! for those questioning my use of time...i do question my own use of time as well...so there you go...i'll post some more thots on that if i still have inspiration later =P
but what im getting to...is that after watching all that, it set me thinking what is all this obsession over [super]Heroes??why does everyone desire to be a Hero at some point of time?every kid wants to be a superhero (superman cape etc) and when we grow up we pretend that we have more 'important' things to do...but look inside - deep inside past the the skepticism adults picked up while learning about the "real world" - we have desires to "save the world", in Hiro Nakamura's words, to do something heroic! to be looked upon in awe (discounting the fact its because it makes us feel good) what is it in heroism that makes us feel so good?
we get bored of a 'normal' life - waking up, eating breakfast, driving to school/work, coming home, eating dinner, sleeping...with other activities interspersed in between - well, at least I do!! but as I was thinking about this and came with this theory, but you are welcome to disagree with me.
Heroes act heroically so normalcy is restored.
A teacher once said that humans require normalcy to survive. Even the most outrageous risk takers or inconsistent person requires a "pattern" of life. Take time for example, 24 hours a day. That's a pattern. No one can without at least that regularity. imagine each day randomly deciding to be 24 hours, then 12hours the next, then 56 hours a day - life cannot be lived at all! that's chaos!! so what I am saying is that "saving the world" actually means restoring "normalcy"...nuclear bomb goes off, and someone tries to save us... therefore, heroes, are champions of normalcy, while challenging normalcy itself. Dichotomy?? Not so..think about it, we need a extra-normal person, who transforms sub-normal circumstances to normalcy..but that requires the hero to be more than normal - in the way where he is willing to lay down his life for others...that's when i think Jesus was the biggest superhero of all time...he laid down His life so that we can have life and life more abundantly!
so why do we insist on being a hero, who is after all, championing normalcy of life? so i guess the issue is not about being a hero anymore...its about recognition...having Superpowers itself doesn't make one a hero. Just watch the series Heroes - Hiro Nakamura is not a hero because he can bend the space/time continuum, but he has to prove himself a hero by saving the world. Powers used for personal gain, and you'll be called an evil dictator - and then we need a Hero to save us from that evil dictator! you catch the idea now? do we want to be a hero or do we just want recognition?? we want to be superman because he can fly...we want batman because he has tons of cash at hand..spiderman? because he's a nerd who gets the chiq (not really tho...as we see in spidey3~)
so still want to be a hero?? here's my take on a hero: one who builds others up to be heroes too...to challenge the sub-normalcy of life...it doesn't matter who is watching! every one has the potential to be a hero. let us open our eyes to see the everyday heroes. the mother who fight against hope to raise her children up to be a blessing to those around them. that's a heroine in action. see the extraordinary in the ordinary.
Heroes... an ordinary breed but extraordinary by choice...
but what im getting to...is that after watching all that, it set me thinking what is all this obsession over [super]Heroes??why does everyone desire to be a Hero at some point of time?every kid wants to be a superhero (superman cape etc) and when we grow up we pretend that we have more 'important' things to do...but look inside - deep inside past the the skepticism adults picked up while learning about the "real world" - we have desires to "save the world", in Hiro Nakamura's words, to do something heroic! to be looked upon in awe (discounting the fact its because it makes us feel good) what is it in heroism that makes us feel so good?
we get bored of a 'normal' life - waking up, eating breakfast, driving to school/work, coming home, eating dinner, sleeping...with other activities interspersed in between - well, at least I do!! but as I was thinking about this and came with this theory, but you are welcome to disagree with me.
Heroes act heroically so normalcy is restored.
A teacher once said that humans require normalcy to survive. Even the most outrageous risk takers or inconsistent person requires a "pattern" of life. Take time for example, 24 hours a day. That's a pattern. No one can without at least that regularity. imagine each day randomly deciding to be 24 hours, then 12hours the next, then 56 hours a day - life cannot be lived at all! that's chaos!! so what I am saying is that "saving the world" actually means restoring "normalcy"...nuclear bomb goes off, and someone tries to save us... therefore, heroes, are champions of normalcy, while challenging normalcy itself. Dichotomy?? Not so..think about it, we need a extra-normal person, who transforms sub-normal circumstances to normalcy..but that requires the hero to be more than normal - in the way where he is willing to lay down his life for others...that's when i think Jesus was the biggest superhero of all time...he laid down His life so that we can have life and life more abundantly!
so why do we insist on being a hero, who is after all, championing normalcy of life? so i guess the issue is not about being a hero anymore...its about recognition...having Superpowers itself doesn't make one a hero. Just watch the series Heroes - Hiro Nakamura is not a hero because he can bend the space/time continuum, but he has to prove himself a hero by saving the world. Powers used for personal gain, and you'll be called an evil dictator - and then we need a Hero to save us from that evil dictator! you catch the idea now? do we want to be a hero or do we just want recognition?? we want to be superman because he can fly...we want batman because he has tons of cash at hand..spiderman? because he's a nerd who gets the chiq (not really tho...as we see in spidey3~)
so still want to be a hero?? here's my take on a hero: one who builds others up to be heroes too...to challenge the sub-normalcy of life...it doesn't matter who is watching! every one has the potential to be a hero. let us open our eyes to see the everyday heroes. the mother who fight against hope to raise her children up to be a blessing to those around them. that's a heroine in action. see the extraordinary in the ordinary.
Heroes... an ordinary breed but extraordinary by choice...
Monday, April 30, 2007
updates =)
wow its been so amazingly long since that last post! can't believe that it was 3 weeks ago that the car was locked shut in the garage!! hmmm...that's pretty incredible - seems like last week =)
well how has people been? a lot has happened in the past 3 weeks...nonewithstanding the one being my best friend Phoebe Khoo officially landing in Melbourne, Australia with ideas of staying here "long term"!! it was so odd just getting a sms from her, saying "Oi... Phoebe Here :)" with an aussie number...seriously - with our history of moving from one place to another (literally) and changing a million mobile numbers...this just felt so different!! I can't believe u're here NOW!! =) welcome "Home" hunny!! pray that u'll settle down soon...i believe this new season's gonna be bigger and better than anything u've seen before!!
also Shuvah's confirmation was last Sunday!! Congrats girl!! the service was incredibly long :P lots of presents :P photos..etc...and the dinner (thanks for having me for Dinner! it was the Best!!) after it was superb...wait til i get the pictures - the FOOD..haha..i dont remember liking seafood all that much - but this "seafood platter for 2" - omg its just the BOMB!! (so is the price..thanks uncle:P ) hahaha..it was two layers of a large-pizza-sized-plate worth of seafood..crabs,fresh prawns,prawns with cheese belmain bug(!!),calamari rings,chips,rice,fresh oysters,oysters with bacon......hahaha.......if any of u come up here..i mite consider bringing u there... =P
and REACH - where we go out into the community and do a somewhat "makeover" for it...we went to Telopea...most of the youth from asian went =) so that was GOOD - except for the fact we got lost on the way hehehe...had issues along the way ...took a half hour detour to auburn..to parramatta..before getting to telopea *sheepish* but we made it :P albeit a trifle late :D hehehe... got there and and cleaned out the graffitti...and some of the girls (and Terence) cleaned the green mouldy(gross) bits :P haha...good job everyone - it was good to just bless the community! and we had orange caps this year...and gea got yellow hands (like grangrene-ish :P ) can't really see it in this picture..but u get the point =) thats me, diana, gea after cleaning up..and the other's terence cleaning off sum crusty mould...it was quite disgusting :P hahaha...

after that...went to Asian Service - had outreach with a Royal Kingdom theme =) dressed up nice and pretty... and we setup with a "throne" in the middle.. (which meant the musicians getting squished in one side :P ) and there's the "throne" in the middle :P didn't get pics of us
humans tho hehe..but there u go...good job devi! and had a banquet style dinner - it REALLY reminded me of a medieval style dinner, a la harry potter at school!! where it's a loooooong table with ppl sitting side by side - and there's lots food just across the table!! =) and some dressed up as waiters (complete with a bowtie! or "barfly" as some know it as =.=) haha...and served everyone with drinks etc =) make us feel so special...mmmm...

and..what else? hmm..there was one week of being cooped up and writing a politics essay!! =) OH.. and i did "have a go" - which is one of the youth is given a chance to speak for 3 mins... and seriously that was so crazy!! i was Sooo unprepared...well - but by God's grace I spoke - and truly it wasn't me - but God speaking - cos I readily admit that stage fright is part of my inbuilt thing :P and when there's no stage fright = God taking over =) PLUS...the bonus was that i finished exactly on time! exactly on the dot...hahaha - that has never happened before =P good to set a precedent :P muahhahahaha...
OH....one more thing that NEEDS to be mentioned =) NINJA TURTLES!!!!!!! muahahaha if you have watched sat morning cartoons...and loved it.... u'll love this: http://www.tv.com/teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-1987/show/2752/video_player.html?uvid=IiM6wTut5bwKvTY wahahaha...i loved this video!! jus kept playing it over and over and over again...and discovered old episodes of ninja turtles from the 1990's on youtube and dailymotion =) (thanks caleb!) haha...that was so awesome..seriously it made my day when i found those episodes.. =) hahahha..aiight...i think that's it for now =P need to get back to work (as usual =.=) ahhh...good times good times!!
oh before i finish..gotta give tribute to God - as always He Never Never Fails!! don't know what to do without Him!! thank You for making everyday so special....
well how has people been? a lot has happened in the past 3 weeks...nonewithstanding the one being my best friend Phoebe Khoo officially landing in Melbourne, Australia with ideas of staying here "long term"!! it was so odd just getting a sms from her, saying "Oi... Phoebe Here :)" with an aussie number...seriously - with our history of moving from one place to another (literally) and changing a million mobile numbers...this just felt so different!! I can't believe u're here NOW!! =) welcome "Home" hunny!! pray that u'll settle down soon...i believe this new season's gonna be bigger and better than anything u've seen before!!
also Shuvah's confirmation was last Sunday!! Congrats girl!! the service was incredibly long :P lots of presents :P photos..etc...and the dinner (thanks for having me for Dinner! it was the Best!!) after it was superb...wait til i get the pictures - the FOOD..haha..i dont remember liking seafood all that much - but this "seafood platter for 2" - omg its just the BOMB!! (so is the price..thanks uncle:P ) hahaha..it was two layers of a large-pizza-sized-plate worth of seafood..crabs,fresh prawns,prawns with cheese belmain bug(!!),calamari rings,chips,rice,fresh oysters,oysters with bacon......hahaha.......if any of u come up here..i mite consider bringing u there... =P
and REACH - where we go out into the community and do a somewhat "makeover" for it...we went to Telopea...most of the youth from asian went =) so that was GOOD - except for the fact we got lost on the way hehehe...had issues along the way ...took a half hour detour to auburn..to parramatta..before getting to telopea *sheepish* but we made it :P albeit a trifle late :D hehehe... got there and and cleaned out the graffitti...and some of the girls (and Terence) cleaned the green mouldy(gross) bits :P haha...good job everyone - it was good to just bless the community! and we had orange caps this year...and gea got yellow hands (like grangrene-ish :P ) can't really see it in this picture..but u get the point =) thats me, diana, gea after cleaning up..and the other's terence cleaning off sum crusty mould...it was quite disgusting :P hahaha...

after that...went to Asian Service - had outreach with a Royal Kingdom theme =) dressed up nice and pretty... and we setup with a "throne" in the middle.. (which meant the musicians getting squished in one side :P ) and there's the "throne" in the middle :P didn't get pics of us
humans tho hehe..but there u go...good job devi! and had a banquet style dinner - it REALLY reminded me of a medieval style dinner, a la harry potter at school!! where it's a loooooong table with ppl sitting side by side - and there's lots food just across the table!! =) and some dressed up as waiters (complete with a bowtie! or "barfly" as some know it as =.=) haha...and served everyone with drinks etc =) make us feel so special...mmmm...

and..what else? hmm..there was one week of being cooped up and writing a politics essay!! =) OH.. and i did "have a go" - which is one of the youth is given a chance to speak for 3 mins... and seriously that was so crazy!! i was Sooo unprepared...well - but by God's grace I spoke - and truly it wasn't me - but God speaking - cos I readily admit that stage fright is part of my inbuilt thing :P and when there's no stage fright = God taking over =) PLUS...the bonus was that i finished exactly on time! exactly on the dot...hahaha - that has never happened before =P good to set a precedent :P muahhahahaha...
OH....one more thing that NEEDS to be mentioned =) NINJA TURTLES!!!!!!! muahahaha if you have watched sat morning cartoons...and loved it.... u'll love this: http://www.tv.com/teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-1987/show/2752/video_player.html?uvid=IiM6wTut5bwKvTY wahahaha...i loved this video!! jus kept playing it over and over and over again...and discovered old episodes of ninja turtles from the 1990's on youtube and dailymotion =) (thanks caleb!) haha...that was so awesome..seriously it made my day when i found those episodes.. =) hahahha..aiight...i think that's it for now =P need to get back to work (as usual =.=) ahhh...good times good times!!
oh before i finish..gotta give tribute to God - as always He Never Never Fails!! don't know what to do without Him!! thank You for making everyday so special....
Friday, April 13, 2007
condensations of rainclouds
research is reading a 10 books & 20 articles and condensing it into two thousand words.
ugh as u can tell i've been doing that all easter =(
uhhh.cabin fever.who says it's gonna let up anytime soon?
plus im stuck for the weekend too.
garage door is SHUT.
closed tight SHUT for repairs since 6am this morning.
cant get no car out.
uh.what can i say?
-rainclouds.... =(
in a way it is like rainclouds.they are bound to happen sooner or later.vapour condenses.bad stuff tend to do the same huh.at least we know the sun remains unchanging.
rainclouds = raindrops
no raindrops, no rainbows.
interesting thought there.
ugh as u can tell i've been doing that all easter =(
uhhh.cabin fever.who says it's gonna let up anytime soon?
plus im stuck for the weekend too.
garage door is SHUT.
closed tight SHUT for repairs since 6am this morning.
cant get no car out.
uh.what can i say?
-rainclouds.... =(
in a way it is like rainclouds.they are bound to happen sooner or later.vapour condenses.bad stuff tend to do the same huh.at least we know the sun remains unchanging.
rainclouds = raindrops
no raindrops, no rainbows.
interesting thought there.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
a night under the stars
hmmm I just realized I don't like to post about what I do =) odd...
but here's what happened on monday night - we watched a movie under the stars! how cool's that (no pun intended, for it was freezing cold, even after being wrapped in a borrowed towel) - Casino Royale was the movie which ended up winning the vote =) basically Jasmin organized this thing to raise money to build a Watoto home for a Ugandan widow and 8 orphans - and about a thousand dollars was raised! praise the Lord! =) now we'll have one more Watoto home!! but the point I'm getting at is that it's funny to watch a movie with church youth =) we all, being pure at heart and called to pursuit of purity - and having intentions of staying pure! so there you go, during the bedroom scenes, it was hilarious!! we decided to Sing to the Stars! Sing a Song of Praise to the Heavens...literally!! so there we were!! while James Bond and the chiq did what they had to, we were singing "Break Free" and shouting it to the stars!! (while someone was trying to find the remote control!) oh, some were also playing scissors paper rock-Under the cover of a blanket = in pitch blackness! that was a couple of hilarious moments - but on the other hand, it's wonderful I reckon =) no more compromise in our lives!!
you know what was funnier? the part where Bond gets tortured? hahahaahaha it was soo funny to hear the general murmur of cringing and empathizing with Bond! wahahahahha.... *shivers* "scratching an itch in ur bum?!??!" omg! thats....just....sooo wrong!! hahaha as you do, they were going on about it for the night =P but it was a fun night nonetheless. and my goodness...in Kenthurst, on a clear night you can see the milky way =) how awesome's that!? always wonder how Abraham felt when he looked up in the skies...mmmm...
besides there's one more episode of the easter weekend that must be mentioned~ on saturday after Asian service, we went to Serene's place for a social and some of us chanced upon a book of Oldies. Maynn....talk about disturbing the peace of the neighbourhood! we were singing stuff like "Majesty" (the Ron Kenoly version!) and "Come on and Celebrate" at the top of our lungs for at least an hour! that was a highlight of the night =) We grew up singing those classics and now getting back to them is just awesome after just singing contemporary stuff =) hahaha... but that was my easter weekend... =) or two hilarious events of my weekend at least!
but here's what happened on monday night - we watched a movie under the stars! how cool's that (no pun intended, for it was freezing cold, even after being wrapped in a borrowed towel) - Casino Royale was the movie which ended up winning the vote =) basically Jasmin organized this thing to raise money to build a Watoto home for a Ugandan widow and 8 orphans - and about a thousand dollars was raised! praise the Lord! =) now we'll have one more Watoto home!! but the point I'm getting at is that it's funny to watch a movie with church youth =) we all, being pure at heart and called to pursuit of purity - and having intentions of staying pure! so there you go, during the bedroom scenes, it was hilarious!! we decided to Sing to the Stars! Sing a Song of Praise to the Heavens...literally!! so there we were!! while James Bond and the chiq did what they had to, we were singing "Break Free" and shouting it to the stars!! (while someone was trying to find the remote control!) oh, some were also playing scissors paper rock-Under the cover of a blanket = in pitch blackness! that was a couple of hilarious moments - but on the other hand, it's wonderful I reckon =) no more compromise in our lives!!
you know what was funnier? the part where Bond gets tortured? hahahaahaha it was soo funny to hear the general murmur of cringing and empathizing with Bond! wahahahahha.... *shivers* "scratching an itch in ur bum?!??!" omg! thats....just....sooo wrong!! hahaha as you do, they were going on about it for the night =P but it was a fun night nonetheless. and my goodness...in Kenthurst, on a clear night you can see the milky way =) how awesome's that!? always wonder how Abraham felt when he looked up in the skies...mmmm...
besides there's one more episode of the easter weekend that must be mentioned~ on saturday after Asian service, we went to Serene's place for a social and some of us chanced upon a book of Oldies. Maynn....talk about disturbing the peace of the neighbourhood! we were singing stuff like "Majesty" (the Ron Kenoly version!) and "Come on and Celebrate" at the top of our lungs for at least an hour! that was a highlight of the night =) We grew up singing those classics and now getting back to them is just awesome after just singing contemporary stuff =) hahaha... but that was my easter weekend... =) or two hilarious events of my weekend at least!
Monday, April 09, 2007
the war of two worlds
how is it possible to tame the wild beast of man? the thing which I desire to do, I do not do; yet what I want not to do, I do. Paul was incredibly insightful when he wrote that. It's just so like man to resist what he knows he has to do, and be drawn to what he does not want to do. Are we separate creatures inhibiting the same physical space termed "homo sapien"? the conditions of surrender are terrible, yet to keep on fighting... for a moment of respite... "hope" is what we term this moment of respite isn't it...hoping for something that's more than what we see now...knowing that what we have now is temporal - another 65 years and time is up...it's not really morbid - just putting things into perspective for myself... to know what matters and what doesn't? to know that surrendering means 65 years of respite and timeless separation from hope...that's a good reason to fight ont isn't it...? He fought hard during His time on earth, and learned obedience from the things He suffered...He fought the ultimate fight that I need not fight the last battle against Death...now that is Hope-
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
political philosophy re-examined
I was jus minding my own business when I came upon this witty description of Political Philosophy...I especially love the bureaucratism and anarchism one =) this is awesomely Hilarious!!! distilling these ideas down to the simplest manner! wahahaha...
Socialism: You have two cows; you give one to your neighbour
Communism: You have two cows; the government takes both and gives you the milk
Fascism: You have two cows; the government takes both and sells you the milk
Nazism: You have two cows; the government takes both and shoots you
Bureaucratism: You have two cows; the government takes both, shoots one, milks the other and throws the milk away.
Capitalism: You have two cows; you sell one and buy a bull. Produce more cows and more milk and sell the milk at high prices to buy larger paddocks to produce more cows and more milk.
Anarchism: Keep the cows. Steal another one. Shoot the government.
Socialism: You have two cows; you give one to your neighbour
Communism: You have two cows; the government takes both and gives you the milk
Fascism: You have two cows; the government takes both and sells you the milk
Nazism: You have two cows; the government takes both and shoots you
Bureaucratism: You have two cows; the government takes both, shoots one, milks the other and throws the milk away.
Capitalism: You have two cows; you sell one and buy a bull. Produce more cows and more milk and sell the milk at high prices to buy larger paddocks to produce more cows and more milk.
Anarchism: Keep the cows. Steal another one. Shoot the government.
Friday, March 23, 2007
its 3.22am..and the rain is falling.. (no not really)
if anyone recognizes the title - its a set of lyrics.. "its 2am and the rain is falling.. here we are at the crossroad once again" its the song by trademark.. or crossroad song (as i call it) =)
o h m y g o o d n e s s >.<
i PROMISE and i P.R.O.M.I.S.E
i will finish my assignments BEFORE the actual due date - its 3.22 am now - and i'm still trying to finish this essay and am hitting a writers block - not a good time to have it i know =)
dear me.. =.= its week four of uni - its just week four... hopefully i shall NOT procrastinate...in the near future...
*deep breath*
back to essay writing o_O
o h m y g o o d n e s s >.<
i PROMISE and i P.R.O.M.I.S.E
i will finish my assignments BEFORE the actual due date - its 3.22 am now - and i'm still trying to finish this essay and am hitting a writers block - not a good time to have it i know =)
dear me.. =.= its week four of uni - its just week four... hopefully i shall NOT procrastinate...in the near future...
*deep breath*
back to essay writing o_O
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Divine Orchestration of World Super-Powers
before reading the below.. let me say that I am not one to analyse current events nor am one who claims much understanding of international affairs - and by attending tute's i can see how limited my views are... =) everyone's so smart in tutes!! i get rather intimidated somethings =) but as i was doing an assignment on why the US was attacked by terrorists on september 11.. something truly struck me...
but let me backtrack a little.. in ancient israel, we know that King David and King Solomon ruled a united Israel - and that was considered the Golden Era.. where they were relatively powerful in their region... was it because they were better than anyone else? was it because they were skilled in the art of diplomacy? come on, Ahab and Omri (the "bad" kings) had the best foreign policy of all!!! the list can go on and on... but in reality, it was because of a power vacuum in the area (meaning, lack of super-powers, eg. Assyria had not yet risen, Egypt was in a weakened state) that allowed Israel to stand up and flex her authority in the Syria-Palestine area... God orchestrated the events that allowed for Israel's Golden Era..
parallels can be drawn in America as a super-power today... the reason the US became so powerful, among other reasons, was because of a power vacuum after WWI - where Britain and France had monstrous war debts (esp to the US) and their economies were significantly weakened post-WWI...it is a simplified version of history, but it would suffice in this context.. was it because they were better than anyone else? I dont think so, and I believe that many in the world today would agree with me... instead it was the foundation on which the US was built on - the founding fathers were Puritans and Quakers - people who came to the New World to find a place where they could worship God as they saw fit...
this is an over-simplification of history as it is...but it does show the point that God is the controller of the world - nonewithstanding world affairs... and even though the world seems like it's in a mess as it is now - with the war on terrorism and civil wars that are tearing countries apart... the heart breaks at what evil man is capable of, yet there is a certain assurance that in the midst of suffering and evil, God has His hand among us... for where Your Hisis, there is freedom - freedom not necessary from physical suffering... but a liberation of the spirit to rejoice despite circumstances..
but let me backtrack a little.. in ancient israel, we know that King David and King Solomon ruled a united Israel - and that was considered the Golden Era.. where they were relatively powerful in their region... was it because they were better than anyone else? was it because they were skilled in the art of diplomacy? come on, Ahab and Omri (the "bad" kings) had the best foreign policy of all!!! the list can go on and on... but in reality, it was because of a power vacuum in the area (meaning, lack of super-powers, eg. Assyria had not yet risen, Egypt was in a weakened state) that allowed Israel to stand up and flex her authority in the Syria-Palestine area... God orchestrated the events that allowed for Israel's Golden Era..
parallels can be drawn in America as a super-power today... the reason the US became so powerful, among other reasons, was because of a power vacuum after WWI - where Britain and France had monstrous war debts (esp to the US) and their economies were significantly weakened post-WWI...it is a simplified version of history, but it would suffice in this context.. was it because they were better than anyone else? I dont think so, and I believe that many in the world today would agree with me... instead it was the foundation on which the US was built on - the founding fathers were Puritans and Quakers - people who came to the New World to find a place where they could worship God as they saw fit...
this is an over-simplification of history as it is...but it does show the point that God is the controller of the world - nonewithstanding world affairs... and even though the world seems like it's in a mess as it is now - with the war on terrorism and civil wars that are tearing countries apart... the heart breaks at what evil man is capable of, yet there is a certain assurance that in the midst of suffering and evil, God has His hand among us... for where Your Hisis, there is freedom - freedom not necessary from physical suffering... but a liberation of the spirit to rejoice despite circumstances..
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Since Uni Started...
started uni for 3 weeks d =) and the downside to it is that..i've THREE assignments (already) consecutively due in a week's time..and its all rather "new"....
but to start off this blog... here's a random story...happened not long ago =)
i was jus sitting on the library lawn, minding my own business and eating my lunch..and enjoying the last few sunshines of the summer..when this guy appeared in my line of sight..and chose a spot about 10feet infront of me.. he took out a piece of paper-like thing...in a quick movement he added more stuff on the paper.. then he started rolling it into a cylinder shape - the next thing you know he's puffing away on a brand-new home-made ciggy.. LOL... i know i know i havent seen much of these stuff - so forgive my surprise... but man - smoking weed in the middle of the day - in the middle of nowhere?!!?!? hahaha... that guy really made my day..in a way..it was hilarious... but on a more sombre note, its sad that ppl get so used to smoking (weed or not)... ahh...
plus - i've gotta add... it's gonna be a bomb for most of youse who knew me from a long time ago... I DROPPED MUSIC =) but i've gotta say..it was a surprise to me as well... the story goes...we had this practical class where we had to perform...and when i heard my classmate play, mann they had this passion for the music they were playing that i could not, for the life of me, find it deep inside of me...they truly liked and enjoyed the music they were playing when i looked inside and discovered that i could not honestly say i loved classical music..or jazz music for that matter.. don't get me wrong, i still thank God for the gift of music He's given me...and i'm still gonna serve Him in church and in whatever situation He places me in..but as far as doing it "professionally" in terms of doing a Uni Degree in it, that just doesn't resound in my spirit/soul/mind/body! so there u go... that's the story...and right now i cant officially change my degree yet, so still doing a bachelors of music, but my subjects are in history, politics, globalisation and jewish studies... stuff i like... but i reckon it's bit tough - as in difficult to digest and regurgitate =.= it's a relieft to leave behind the "burden"..of having the expectation that im gonna do music.. =)
but in a way..it leaves a kinda gap..my identity has been tied up with the notion of music all this while..i guess its time to get away from it huh.. =) that's all for now......
but to start off this blog... here's a random story...happened not long ago =)
i was jus sitting on the library lawn, minding my own business and eating my lunch..and enjoying the last few sunshines of the summer..when this guy appeared in my line of sight..and chose a spot about 10feet infront of me.. he took out a piece of paper-like thing...in a quick movement he added more stuff on the paper.. then he started rolling it into a cylinder shape - the next thing you know he's puffing away on a brand-new home-made ciggy.. LOL... i know i know i havent seen much of these stuff - so forgive my surprise... but man - smoking weed in the middle of the day - in the middle of nowhere?!!?!? hahaha... that guy really made my day..in a way..it was hilarious... but on a more sombre note, its sad that ppl get so used to smoking (weed or not)... ahh...
plus - i've gotta add... it's gonna be a bomb for most of youse who knew me from a long time ago... I DROPPED MUSIC =) but i've gotta say..it was a surprise to me as well... the story goes...we had this practical class where we had to perform...and when i heard my classmate play, mann they had this passion for the music they were playing that i could not, for the life of me, find it deep inside of me...they truly liked and enjoyed the music they were playing when i looked inside and discovered that i could not honestly say i loved classical music..or jazz music for that matter.. don't get me wrong, i still thank God for the gift of music He's given me...and i'm still gonna serve Him in church and in whatever situation He places me in..but as far as doing it "professionally" in terms of doing a Uni Degree in it, that just doesn't resound in my spirit/soul/mind/body! so there u go... that's the story...and right now i cant officially change my degree yet, so still doing a bachelors of music, but my subjects are in history, politics, globalisation and jewish studies... stuff i like... but i reckon it's bit tough - as in difficult to digest and regurgitate =.= it's a relieft to leave behind the "burden"..of having the expectation that im gonna do music.. =)
but in a way..it leaves a kinda gap..my identity has been tied up with the notion of music all this while..i guess its time to get away from it huh.. =) that's all for now......
Monday, February 12, 2007
Immigration Department - showcase of grace
wows..I've got to say so much has happened recently.. coming to think of the date now - oHyeAh~ James has left for Melb already and Bri's leaving in 3 days time..haha..wonder how are they feeling now - mixed emotions? haha...i empathize with their mixed-up-ness..
its been nearly 4weeks since I boarded the flight to sydney..and I guess it would be fair to say I've settled down..instead of fighting to be at a place I "want" to be, I have found my place in Syd and embraced it =) its a relief actually, to be able to say this! *phew*
so much has happened in the past 4weeks - including which I have to apply for a new student visa again..mayn...stuff happens when u change ur passport number and ur current student visa is linked to ur old passport number..lets put it this way - i had to take a trip down to the city which consists of about 2hours travelling time both ways flippin' four times..and even twice within the same day..by the 2nd trip i was ready to cry with frustration.. for it was 6 hours of time travelling and walking and waiting in line - yet nothing could be solved yet.. speaking of a lesson in patience..!! by the 3rd fruitless trip (the office was closed..omg..the feeling of making a long trip down..just to see a "CLOSE" sign...wow.... =.= ) it finally got thru to my thick head that it was indeed a lesson in patience..!! i was complaining to God to vent!! i had to muster all the strength and mental energy i had left to Not erupt in anger/frustration and turn to His calmness and source of peace... that was a defining moment - for instead of ruining the day - it was one of the best days of my life! and the best part of it was that on my 4th trip to the immigration dept in the city, i met the Same Officer whom i met for the last 3 times i was at the office..!! thats grace i tell ya.. out of sooo many counters - from counter 33-68 i could i have landed anyone, but God gave the grace to have me see the same officer.. wow - thats favour!! for now the guy recognizes me :P he's seen my face Three times in Two days..haha..thats commitment man.. and i do pray that this would speed up my application =) *phew*
its been nearly 4weeks since I boarded the flight to sydney..and I guess it would be fair to say I've settled down..instead of fighting to be at a place I "want" to be, I have found my place in Syd and embraced it =) its a relief actually, to be able to say this! *phew*
so much has happened in the past 4weeks - including which I have to apply for a new student visa again..mayn...stuff happens when u change ur passport number and ur current student visa is linked to ur old passport number..lets put it this way - i had to take a trip down to the city which consists of about 2hours travelling time both ways flippin' four times..and even twice within the same day..by the 2nd trip i was ready to cry with frustration.. for it was 6 hours of time travelling and walking and waiting in line - yet nothing could be solved yet.. speaking of a lesson in patience..!! by the 3rd fruitless trip (the office was closed..omg..the feeling of making a long trip down..just to see a "CLOSE" sign...wow.... =.= ) it finally got thru to my thick head that it was indeed a lesson in patience..!! i was complaining to God to vent!! i had to muster all the strength and mental energy i had left to Not erupt in anger/frustration and turn to His calmness and source of peace... that was a defining moment - for instead of ruining the day - it was one of the best days of my life! and the best part of it was that on my 4th trip to the immigration dept in the city, i met the Same Officer whom i met for the last 3 times i was at the office..!! thats grace i tell ya.. out of sooo many counters - from counter 33-68 i could i have landed anyone, but God gave the grace to have me see the same officer.. wow - thats favour!! for now the guy recognizes me :P he's seen my face Three times in Two days..haha..thats commitment man.. and i do pray that this would speed up my application =) *phew*
<-- the lovely immigration department.. ahhh...
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Syd vs Melb (behind the scenes)
back in sydney for a couple days now- things seem to be settling down...
the official decision is made: I am Staying in Sydney, studying at UNSW :)
haha..some ppls will be happy :P and im glad that you guys are here too.. it makes staying easier..seems like God's leading that way, and His spirit is moving me that way.. but you know what? knowing the right thing to do doesn't make doing it any easier...i did struggle with the decision i've made... i know i've changed my mind just about a million times :) the story goes this way - i have applied to 4 diff uni's, and in the 2nd week of jan, i found out that ALL four of them accepted me... and after prayer and talking with parents and friends, i decided that UNSW is the best choice..and i did feel God's spirit prompt me to stay in Sydney for various reasons :)
then Melbourne came along...and seeing that my parents were not gonna come that often, and my sister's in melb, it seemed right to move to melbourne..so we did! and the offer letter from melbuni came, and sam got accepted into his high school (which was why we left malaysia so quickly and suddenly)...but eventually, there came to a point, where we could NOT find a house...and that's saying something - because looking for a house had never been a problem in the past, even under impossible circumstances.. that called for a review of the matter :)
which led to the final conclusion of i'm gonna stay in sydney and study in unsw.. :) reasons being God's leading, and God spoke clearly again to my spirit - Stay In Sydney.. if He speaks the second time i better not ignore Him! haha..i really wanted to go melbourne, so i conveniently ignored His leading... :P i guess that wasn't very smart huh :) so all in all i'm really grateful for all that's been said and done... and that taught me really to trust more in God...
and it's over now...
ohya....sorry bri - didn't mean to desert u.. :( well, on a happier note, to the guys and girl in melb - cheers* it's gonna be fun :) i believe God has so much in store for u guys... :) as for sydney..it's gonna be a whole new adventure..
here's a toast to more amazing stuff this year :)
when this year's christmas comes around again..and we gather again..let there it be testified as to how amazing His everlasting faithfulness (even in foreign circumstances) and we'll all give thanks to the One who never left nor forsake us!! be blessed y'all... :) *hugs n kisses*
the official decision is made: I am Staying in Sydney, studying at UNSW :)
haha..some ppls will be happy :P and im glad that you guys are here too.. it makes staying easier..seems like God's leading that way, and His spirit is moving me that way.. but you know what? knowing the right thing to do doesn't make doing it any easier...i did struggle with the decision i've made... i know i've changed my mind just about a million times :) the story goes this way - i have applied to 4 diff uni's, and in the 2nd week of jan, i found out that ALL four of them accepted me... and after prayer and talking with parents and friends, i decided that UNSW is the best choice..and i did feel God's spirit prompt me to stay in Sydney for various reasons :)
then Melbourne came along...and seeing that my parents were not gonna come that often, and my sister's in melb, it seemed right to move to melbourne..so we did! and the offer letter from melbuni came, and sam got accepted into his high school (which was why we left malaysia so quickly and suddenly)...but eventually, there came to a point, where we could NOT find a house...and that's saying something - because looking for a house had never been a problem in the past, even under impossible circumstances.. that called for a review of the matter :)
which led to the final conclusion of i'm gonna stay in sydney and study in unsw.. :) reasons being God's leading, and God spoke clearly again to my spirit - Stay In Sydney.. if He speaks the second time i better not ignore Him! haha..i really wanted to go melbourne, so i conveniently ignored His leading... :P i guess that wasn't very smart huh :) so all in all i'm really grateful for all that's been said and done... and that taught me really to trust more in God...
and it's over now...
ohya....sorry bri - didn't mean to desert u.. :( well, on a happier note, to the guys and girl in melb - cheers* it's gonna be fun :) i believe God has so much in store for u guys... :) as for sydney..it's gonna be a whole new adventure..
here's a toast to more amazing stuff this year :)
when this year's christmas comes around again..and we gather again..let there it be testified as to how amazing His everlasting faithfulness (even in foreign circumstances) and we'll all give thanks to the One who never left nor forsake us!! be blessed y'all... :) *hugs n kisses*
Thursday, January 18, 2007
omigosh...jus been reading everyone's blogs...so emo!! (ben-hang on there-u'll be home soon..!! :) its truly my last night in malaysia for a long time..and soo..so....mixed feelings now....as i was reading everyone's blog (in mjyf)...and im just sitting here...really feel like crying now...seriously - so bittersweet...im truly truly looking forward to life in melbourne... (hav i mentioned.. i got accepted into melb uni~) but...but....yeah...malaysia is jus........*speechless* !! the feeling is diff...everytime i leave for aust again it just feels like im ripping a piece of my heart and leaving it in malaysia....ahhh.... i'll miss this place...alot...!! saying goodbye is not enough...like there's not enough time to see everyone....
and i was just looking through old stuff like letters, cards, invitations, prayer requests, and old journals...that was just major nostalgia man!! like the beginnings of mjyf-where it was just 5 of us...eden,vernmay,james,isaac and me....and...and....ahh............................... :P haha...the times where i left my then trademark "smiley face" everywhere...grin* and saw the letters from people i haven't thought about in a long time!! people i was close to last time..and we've grown apart...never thought i'd feel so much regret....wished we were closer.........
okok...enough of this emo-ness....... i havent actually finished packing yet...and i'm leaving the house in 6 hrs time...ah well :) better go and finish packing...
and i was just looking through old stuff like letters, cards, invitations, prayer requests, and old journals...that was just major nostalgia man!! like the beginnings of mjyf-where it was just 5 of us...eden,vernmay,james,isaac and me....and...and....ahh............................... :P haha...the times where i left my then trademark "smiley face" everywhere...grin* and saw the letters from people i haven't thought about in a long time!! people i was close to last time..and we've grown apart...never thought i'd feel so much regret....wished we were closer.........
okok...enough of this emo-ness....... i havent actually finished packing yet...and i'm leaving the house in 6 hrs time...ah well :) better go and finish packing...
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
second last day in malaysia
this month its been packed. of fun. of awesome food. of memories.
met up with old friends - you guys are still the same old, yet you've changed so much.
christmas/new year - that was awesome. read melissa's blog to get a full rundown of what happened - with pics! that chiq did an amazing job on that :)
aaron's birthday was awesome!! celebrated at curve (again!) - at Old Town Kopitiam. the boss didn't really like us as we created a circle of small tables, so other customers didnt have tables to sit at. but food was good, fellowship was fun :) aaron was happy with his two li'l birthday cakes! went to watch movie "The Pathfinder" after that - ahh..the poster and trailer are absolutely Misleading. its rather the epitome of MisLeading. it was rather interesting - girls screamed, bri declaring somewhat loudly she was gonna kill someone - and the dialogue was less than 50 lines, half of it being in some random viking language. haha - a disturbing and (in my opinion) a pointless movie about a tribe of people massacring another tribe of people! -_-" yeeng got bored and started feeding me sweet popcorn (haha..) well, try eating while ppl are getting slaughtered on screen. eeps. but it'll be one of the funny memories of movie watching with mjyf ppls =)
today, met up with bri, eden, aaron and andrew for lunch at 1u wongkok. i like the interiors! its green! the bestest colour :) spent bout 3 hours eating lunch and just chatting. we got to more serious stuff, about love life and relationships. i've gotta say i got to know more of aaron in this 3 hours than i've ever did - though i somewhatknew him all my life! it was in a way, revelatory. thanks aaron for being so open. walked some more in 1u, then eventually bri eden n me ended up chatting somemore by the poolside of eden's condo. convo drifted to an area i didnt think it would - lets say it ended on a good note. im glad for that convo. the future holds more than man can think now. what seems to be suffering is just temporal - in order for things to work out good in the future. God can see so much more into the future than any of us can - nuff said!
met with phoebe n adrian for dinner. know what? i love these ppl :) nuff said. phoebe's been a constant in my life. thank God for having her in my life, and always being there too. but suddenly trauma attack - can't breathe. dizzy. pins n needles. need oxygen. panicked! and scared the crap outta adrian n phoebe. haha. least to say, they drove me home - phoebe drove a Perdana for the first time!! cos adrian had to drive his own car, she cant drive manual :) got home safe and sound. started breathing normally again.
an account of what happened today. i dont know what to feel. like im numb to the feeling of leaving malaysia again. and leaving for sydney. then leaving sydney to melbourne. life's just moving on. so much. what can i say? thank You my Father, for truly You never changed when everything was whirling around!
met up with old friends - you guys are still the same old, yet you've changed so much.
christmas/new year - that was awesome. read melissa's blog to get a full rundown of what happened - with pics! that chiq did an amazing job on that :)
aaron's birthday was awesome!! celebrated at curve (again!) - at Old Town Kopitiam. the boss didn't really like us as we created a circle of small tables, so other customers didnt have tables to sit at. but food was good, fellowship was fun :) aaron was happy with his two li'l birthday cakes! went to watch movie "The Pathfinder" after that - ahh..the poster and trailer are absolutely Misleading. its rather the epitome of MisLeading. it was rather interesting - girls screamed, bri declaring somewhat loudly she was gonna kill someone - and the dialogue was less than 50 lines, half of it being in some random viking language. haha - a disturbing and (in my opinion) a pointless movie about a tribe of people massacring another tribe of people! -_-" yeeng got bored and started feeding me sweet popcorn (haha..) well, try eating while ppl are getting slaughtered on screen. eeps. but it'll be one of the funny memories of movie watching with mjyf ppls =)
today, met up with bri, eden, aaron and andrew for lunch at 1u wongkok. i like the interiors! its green! the bestest colour :) spent bout 3 hours eating lunch and just chatting. we got to more serious stuff, about love life and relationships. i've gotta say i got to know more of aaron in this 3 hours than i've ever did - though i somewhatknew him all my life! it was in a way, revelatory. thanks aaron for being so open. walked some more in 1u, then eventually bri eden n me ended up chatting somemore by the poolside of eden's condo. convo drifted to an area i didnt think it would - lets say it ended on a good note. im glad for that convo. the future holds more than man can think now. what seems to be suffering is just temporal - in order for things to work out good in the future. God can see so much more into the future than any of us can - nuff said!
met with phoebe n adrian for dinner. know what? i love these ppl :) nuff said. phoebe's been a constant in my life. thank God for having her in my life, and always being there too. but suddenly trauma attack - can't breathe. dizzy. pins n needles. need oxygen. panicked! and scared the crap outta adrian n phoebe. haha. least to say, they drove me home - phoebe drove a Perdana for the first time!! cos adrian had to drive his own car, she cant drive manual :) got home safe and sound. started breathing normally again.
an account of what happened today. i dont know what to feel. like im numb to the feeling of leaving malaysia again. and leaving for sydney. then leaving sydney to melbourne. life's just moving on. so much. what can i say? thank You my Father, for truly You never changed when everything was whirling around!
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Peer Pressure
haha...I have to admit that I have suscepted to Peer Pressure!! Who says all peer pressure is bad? Looking at it now, I do now claim a spot in the world wide web of blogging as somewhat my own :) For those who read, welcome to the world where my thoughts reside.. haha.. warning in advance though, I kinda love writing.. so blabbings are inevitable.. *cheers*
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